
Talk That Shhhit Podcast

Where culture intersects with sports, politics, entertainment and lifestyle with hosts Dandridge, GCon, and Freeze.

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EP. 40 – Would you date a bus driver? Eboni K’s comment, Freaknik, & Met Gala

Summary In this episode, the TTSP crew discuss Eboni K. Williams comment about dating a bus driver, the Freaknik documentary, & the Met Gala fashion or lack thereof. Freeze asks Dandridge would she date a bus driver and delves into why occupations are starting to matter more nowadays as opposed to the past. GCon breaks…

EP. 36 – Rihanna’s Super Bowl performance, Pray for MSU, China wants their balloon back

Summary In this episode, the TTSP crew discuss Rihanna’s halftime performance, the Michigan State University tragedy, & China’s spy balloon. Gcon starts the episode with demanding an apology from Dandridge which she did not give. Freeze was the only one who thoroughly enjoyed Rihanna’s halftime performance while Dandridge and Gcon did not. Now we turn…


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